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    Lista artykułów związanych z zadaniem badawczym nr 14


    Suma publikacji: 60
    Suma referatów: 68


    1. Samborski S., Smagowski W., Teter A., Chodurski M
      Application of 3-D laser scanning vibrometer in determination of free vibration frequencies of composite plates with damageSolid State Phenomena, Vol.240 (2016), pp 42-48

    2. Samborski S.
      Experimental verification of defect’s influence on beams’ dynamics using laser scanning vibrometrySolid State Phenomena, Vol.240 (2016), pp 36-41

    3. Witold Rządkowski, Karol Suprynowicz, Paweł Pyrzanowski

    4. M.Kalkowski, T.P.Waters, E.Rustighi
      Delamination of surface accretions with structural waves: Piezo-actuation and power requirementsJournal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 1–18  The Author(s) 2016 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1045389X16672567

    5. Augustyniak M., Bocheński M.
      Laboratory model of a two-blade composite rotor systemPrzegląd Elektrotechniczny 2016

    6. M. Kalkowski, E.Rustighi, T.P.Waters
      Modelling piezoelectric excitation in waveguides using the semi-analytical finite element methodComputers and Structures 173 (2016) 174–186

    7. Manoach E., Warmiński J, Warmińska A.
      Large amplitude vibrations of heated Timoshenko beams with delaminationJournal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2015, 1-14

    8. Samborski S. Wieczorkiewicz J., Rusinek R.
      Numeryczno-doświadczalne studium dynamiki belek z uszkodzeniemEksploatacja i Niezawodność, Vol.17, No4, 2015,624-631

    9. Samborski S., Wieczorkiewicz J., Rusinek R., Dziedzic J.
      Metodyka oceny uszkodzenia elementów konstrukcyjnych na przykładzie belki izotropowej jednostronnie utwierdzonejRozdział w Wybrane zagadnienia inżynierii produkcji w zastosowaniach medycznych; [Red:] Karpiński Robert, Zubrzycki Jarosław, Maksymiuk Jacek - Lublin: Fundacja na rzecz promocji nauki i rozwoju TYGIEL, 2015, s. 239-250

    10. Jarzyna W., Augustyniak M, Bocheński M, Warmiński J.
      REDUKCJA DRGAń BELKI ZA POMOCĄ PIEZOELEKTRYCZNEGO KOMPOZYTOWEGO SIŁOWNIKA MFCMaszyny elektryczne – Zeszyty Problemowe Nr 4/2015 (108), 83-87

    11. Rządkowski W., Suprynowicz K., Pyrzanowski P.
      INFLUENCE OF PIEZOELECTRIC TRANSDUCER TO GLASS FIBER REINFORCED COMPOSITE STIFFNESSAdvances in Science and Technology Research Journal Volume 9, No. 27, Sept. 2015, pages 106–111

    12. Rządkowski W., Pyrzanowski P.
      Determination of damage to the piezoelectric sensorby measuring the electrical capacitanceSolid State Phenomena Vol. 240 (2016) pp 31-35

    13. Samborski S.
      Modeling of delamination influence on mechanical characteristics of composite cantilever beamComposites Theory and Practice, 14:4 (2014), 177-182

    14. Latalski J., Bocheński M., Warmiński J., Jarzyna W., Augustyniak M.
      Modelling and simulation of 3 blade helicopter\'s rotor modelACTA Physica Polonica A, nr 6, vol. 125, pp 1380-1383, 2014

    15. Warmińska A., Warmiński J., Samborski S., Manoach E.
      Regular and chaotic oscilations of a Timoshenko beam subjected to mechanical and thermal loadingsContinuum Mech. Thermodyn. (2015) 27; 719-737

    16. Zhang Q., Jankowski Ł., Duan Z.
      Simultaneous Identification of Moving Vehicles and Bridge Damages Considering Road Rough SurfaceMathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2013, Article ID 963424, 12 pages

    17. Kołakowski Z., Teter A.
      Damping behaviour of thin-walled composite columns under impact in-plane loadingProceedings of Stability of Structures XIII-th Symposium, Zakopane 2012 (eds. Katarzyna Kowal-Michalska, Radosław J. Mania), str. 337-46, ISBN 83-914019-7-9

    18. Warmiński J., Cartmell M. P., Mitura A., Bocheński M.
      Active vibration control of a nonlinear beam with self- and external excitationsShock and Vibration 20 (2013), 1033-1047.

    19. Lisiecki J., Kłysz S., Błażejewicz T., Gmurczyk G., Reymer P., Mikułowski G.
      Tests of polyurethane foams with negative Poisson\'s ratioPhysica Status Solidi b, Vol 250, Issue 10/2013, pp 1988-1995

    20. Lisiecki J., Kłysz S., Błażejewicz T., Gmurczyk G., Reymer P.
      Tomographic examination of auxetic polyurethane foam structuresPhysica Status Solidi b, online publication: DOI: 10.1002/pssb.201384232

    21. Kołakowski Z., Teter A.
      Influence of inherent material damping on the dynamic buckling of composite columns with open cross-sectionsMechanics and Mechanical Engineering, 17(1), 2013, str. 59-69

    22. Jarzyna W., Bochenski M., Warminski J., Augustyniak M
      PD and LQR controllers applied to vibration damping of an active composite beamPrzegląd Elektrotechniczny - 2012, nr 10b, vol. 88, s. 128-131

    23. Jarzyna W., Augustyniak M., Warminski J., Bochenski M.
      Evaluation of Suppression Methods Used for Reduction of Vibrations of the Active Composite BeamS. Sambath and E. Zhu (Eds.): Frontiers in Computer Education, AISC 133, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012, pp. 709–716

    24. Dębski H., Latalski J.
      Numerical analysis of composite structures with embedded piezoelectric active elementsJournal of Kones Powertrain and Transport, 19(1),2012, str. 63-69

    25. Kołakowski Z., Teter A.
      Influence of damping on the dynamic interactive buckling of thin-walled columns of trapezium cross-section subjected to in-plane pulse loadingTheoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering, Polish-Ukrainian Transactions, (red.W. Szcześniak), Vol. 20, 2012, str. 75-82

    26. Lisiecki J. Błażejewicz T. Kłysz S. Gmurczyk G.
      Pianki auksetyczne wytworzone w ITWLTworzywa Sztuczne w Przemyśle, ISSN 2082-6877, Nr 5, s.34-38, 2012

    27. Latalski J.
      Modelowanie w systemie ABAQUS piezoelektrycznych elementów aktywnych typu MFCEksploatacja i Niezawodność, nr 4/2011, str.72-78

    28. Mitura A., Warmiński J., Bocheński M.
      Active vibration suppression by application of macro fiber compositeMachine Dynamics Research, 2011, vol. 35, No 2, s. 55-61

    29. Lisiecki J., Błażejewicz T., Kłysz S.
      Selected properties of auxetic foams made in AFITTechnical News, 1/(33), 2(34), str. 42-45, Lviv, Ukraine 2011

    30. Lisiecki J, Błażejewicz T, Kłysz S, Gmurczyk G.
      Wytworzenie i badanie elastycznej pianki poliuretanowej o ujemnym współczynniku Poissona.Modelowanie Inżynierskie, nr 42, s.241-248- artykuł

    31. Lisiecki J., Błażejewicz T., Kłysz S.
      Własności tłumiące pianek poliuretanowych i auksetycznychPrzegląd Mechaniczny nr 11/2011, str. 37

    32. Latalski J., Georgiades F., Warmiński J.
      Mode shapes variation of a composite beam with piezoelectric patchesTransactions of the Institute of Aviation 218/2011, str. 36-43

    33. Zielinski T.G
      Fundamentals of Multiphysics Modelling of Piezo-Poro-Elastic StructuresArchives of Mechanics, vol. 62, no. 5, pp. 343-378

    34. Zielinski T.G.
      Multiphysics Modeling and Experimental Validation of the Active Reduction of Structure-Borne NoiseJournal of Vibration and Acoustics. vol. 132, no. 6, pp. 14

    35. Sekuła K.. Graczykowski C. Holnicki-Szulc J.
      On-line Impact Load IdentificationArticle ID:STC-10-0129

    36. Warmiński J., Bocheński M., Jarzyna W., Filipek P., Augustyniak M.
      Active Suppression of Nonlinear Composite Beam Vibrations by Selected Control AlgorithmsCommunications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, vol. 16, 2011, No. 5, p.2237-2248

    37. Filipek R., Augustyniak M.. Bocheński M.
      Control of Active Piezoelectric Beam System, Applying DSP-Based Controller.Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, Nr7/2010, str. 323-325

    38. Jarzyna W., Augustyniak M., Warmiński J., Bocheński M.
      Characteristics and Implementation of Piezoelectric Structures in Active Composite Systems.Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, Nr7/2010, str. 320-322

    39. Mitura A., Kaąmir T., Warmiński J., Augustyniak M., Jarzyna W.
      Vibration Suppression of Composite Plate with MFC Active ElementsMachine Dynamics Research, vol.34, 2010, No. 2, p.86-92

    40. Samborski S., Sadowski T.
      Dynamic Fracture Toughness of Porous CeramicsJournal of the American Ceramic Society. 93 [11], 3607-3609 (2010)

    41. Teter A.
      Dynamic critical load based on different stability criteria for coupled buckling of columns with stiffened open cross-sectionsThin-Walled Structures, 49 (2011), p.589-595

    42. Warmiński, J.
      Nonlinear Normal Modes of a Self-Excited System Driven by Parametric and External Excitations.Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 61, nr 4/2010, p.677-689.

    43. Zielinski T.G., Rak M.
      Acoustic Absorption of Foams Coated with MR Fluid under the Influence of Magnetic Field Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, vol. 21, no. , pp. 125-131

    44. Lisiecki J., Kłysz S., Błażejewicz T.
      Elastyczne pianki auksetyczne-wytwarzanie, właściwości i potencjalne zastosowaniaPRACE NAUKOWE ITWL, -zeszyt 27, str. 37-55, Warszawa 2010

    45. Suwała G., Jankowski Ł.
      A model-free method for identification of mass modificationsJournal of Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 19(2):216-230, doi: 10.1002/stc.417

    46. Hou J., Jankowski Ł., Ou J.
      A substructure isolation method for local structural health monitoringJournal of Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 18(6),2011, pp. 601-618., doi:10.1002/stc.389

    47. Kokot.M, Holnicki-Szulc J.
      Defect Identification in Electrical Circuits via the Virtual Distortion Method. Part 1: Steady-state Case JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MATERIAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES, Vol. 20-August 2009 1465, p. 1465-1473

    48. Hou J., Jankowski Ł., Ou J.
      Experimental study of the substructure isolation method for local health monitoringStructural Control and Health Monitoring, 19(4), 2012, pp. 491-510.

    49. Zhang Q., Jankowski Ł., Duan Z.
      Simultaneous identification of excitation time histories and parametrized structural damagesMechanical Systemsand Signal Processing; 2012; doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2012.06.018 (5-yrs IF: 2.471)

    50. Binczyk F., Śleziona J.
      Macrostructure of IN-713C superalloy after volume modification Archives of Foundry Engineering, vol. 9, Issue 2, 2009, pp.105-109

    51. Hou J., Jankowski Ł., Ou J.
      Structural damage identification by adding virtual massesStructural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 48 (1): 59–72, 2013.

    52. Jankowski Ł.
      Dynamic Load Identification For Structural Health MonitoringIPPT Report on Fundamental Technological Research, 2, 2013

    53. Hou J., Jankowski Ł., Ou J.
      Structural Health Monitoring Based on Combined Structural Global and Local FrequenciesMathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2014, Article ID 405784, 13 pages

    54. Zhang Q., Duan Z., Jankowski Ł.
      Substructure damages and excitations identification using measured responseApplied Mechanics and Materials 501-504, 2014, pp. 843-846, doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.501-504.843

    55. Nowak Ł.J., Zieliński T.G
      Determination of the free-field acoustic radiation characteristics of the vibrating plate structures with arbitrary boundary conditionsJournal of Vibration and Acoustics – Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 137, No. 5, pp. 051001-051001-8, 2015. DOI:10.1115/1.4030214

    56. Michał K. Kalkowski ; Timothy P. Waters ; Emiliano Rustighi
      Removing surface accretions with piezoexcited high-frequency structural wavesProc. SPIE 9431, Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2015, 94311T (April 2, 2015); doi:10.1117/12.2087048

    57. Michał K. Kalkowski ; Emiliano Rustighi ; Timothy P. Waters
      Semi-analytical modelling of piezoelectric excitation of guided wavesProc. SPIE 9438, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2015, 943820 (March 23, 2015); doi:10.1117/12.2087018

    58. G. Mikulowski, R. Wiszowaty
      Pneumatic adaptive absorber – mathematical modelling with experimental verificationMathematical problems in engineering, submitted, 2015

    59. Kalkowski M.K., Rustighi E., Waters T.P.
      Wave based method for inducing delamination at the interface of a layered structure - feasibility studyPROCEEDINGS OF ISMA2012-USD2012

    60. Bocheński M., Augustyniak M., Ostrowski M., Jarzyna W.
      The influence of control algorithms on the effectiveness of vibration reduction of an active composite beamPrzegląd Elektrotechniczny 2016


    1. Witold Rządkowski, Karol Suprynowicz, Paweł Pyrzanowski
      INVESTIGATION OF NEW TYPE OF PIEZO TRANSDUCER WITH HELIX ELECTRODES; 33rd Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics
      FE analyse and experimental investigation of short composite columns under a constant rate of end shortening; The Twentythird Annual International Conference on COMPOSITES/NANO ENGINEERING (ICCE-23), Chengdu, China, July 12-18, 2015
      Post-buckling behavior of thin-walled columns made of in-plane coupled composite laminates; International Conference on Shells, Plates and Beams, University of Bologna, Italy, September 9-11, 2015
      Numerical Modal Analysis of Three-Blade Helicopter Rotor Model Elaborated with the FE Method; PCM-CMM-2015 – 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics & 21st Computer Methods in Mechanics, September 8–11 2015, Gdansk, Poland
      Evaluation of Energy Release Rate Mode Ratio along Delamination Front in Laminated Composites with General Fiber Orientation; The Twenty-third Annual International Conference on COMPOSITES/NANO ENGINEERING (ICCE-23), Chengdu, China, July 12-18, 2015
    6. J.Warmiński, J.Latalski
      Dynamics of a thin-walled rotating composite beam; Euromech Colloquium – Stability and Control of Nonlinear Vibrating Systems, Sperlonga, Italy, May 24-28, 2015
    7. Flaszyński P., Doerffer P., Holnicki-Szulc J., Mikułowski G.
      Numerical Simulations for Nitrogen Flow in Piezoelectric Valve; 17th International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
    8. Rządkowski W., Suprynowicz K., Kowalik M., Pyrzanowski P.
      PIEZOELECTRIC CHARGE AMPLIFIER FOR SMALL FREQUENCY LOADS REGISTRATION; 32nd Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics,
    9. Rządkowski W., Suprynowicz K., Pyrzanowski P.
    10. Flaszyński P., Doerffer P., Holnicki-Szulc J., Mikułowski G.
      Transonic Flow Investigations in Piezoelectric Valve for Shock Absorber; 12th International Symposium on Experimental Computational ćrothermaldynamics of Internal Flows
    11. R.Sliwa, P. Tyczyński
      The choice of the geometry of the drill in relation to the special geometric arrangement of the components of the composite material ; 10th International Congress (AIRTEC), Munich, Germany, November 3-5, 2015.
    12. Rządkowski W., Pyrzanowski P.
      Determination of damage to the piezoelectric sensor by measuring the electrical capacitance; XXVI Sympozjum Mechaniki Eksperymentalnej Ciała Stałego
    13. Lisiecki J. Kłysz S. Błażejewicz T. Nowakowski D. Reymer P.
      Influence of the heating temperature on static and dynamic properties of the auxetic foams; 5th International Conference Auxetics and other materials and models with \"negative\" characteristics 15-19.09.2014, Poznań
    14. Lisiecki J. Kłysz S. Błażejewicz T. Nowakowski D. Reymer P.
      Static and dynamic material properties of the two layered polymer foam structure including auxetic material; 5th International Conference Auxetics and other materials and models with \"negative\" characteristics 15-19.09.2014, Poznań
    15. Kowalik M., Obszański M., Rządkowski W., Suprynowicz K., Pyrzanowski P.
      Piezoelectric strain sensor local and global stiffness influence on glass fiber reinforced composite; 30th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics
    16. Rządkowski W., Kowalik M., Obszański M., Suprynowicz K., Pyrzanowski P.
      Comparison of piezo and resistive strain gauge in high and low frequency loading.; 30th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics
    17. Suprynowicz K., Kowalik M., Obszański M., Rządkowski W., Pyrzanowski P
      Estimation of piezo electric strain sensor influence on glass fiber reinforced composite sample’s stiffness using digital image correlation. ; 30th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics
    18. Lisiecki J., Kłysz S., Błażejewicz T., Gmurczyk G., Reymer P.
      Performance tests of polyether flame resistant auxetic foams; 10th Conference on Functional and Nanostructured Materials
    19. Pawłowski P., Graczykowski C., Holnicki-Szulc J.; Ario I.
      Smart, Deployable Skeletal Structures for Safety Engineering; 6th ECCOMAS Conference on Smart Structures and Materials - SMART13, Politecnico di Torino, 24-26 June 2013
    20. Lisiecki J,, Kłysz S, , Błażejewicz T,.Gmurczyk G., Reymer P
      Tomographic investigation of auxetic polyurethane foams strucyure; 4th international Conference and 9th International Workshop on Auxetics and Related Systems
    21. Rządkowski W., Pyrzanowski P.
      Use of piezoelectric fibers in low power consumption smart sensors; Experimental Stress Analysis 2012
    22. Holnicki-Szulc J., Graczykowski C., Mikułowski G., Mróz A., Ostrowski M., Wiszowaty R.
      Adaptive Impact Absorption for Safety Engineering; 9th International Conference on Shock and Impact Loads on Structures, Fukuoka, 2011
    23. Kłysz S., Lisiecki J., Błażejewicz T., Reymer P., Gmurczyk G.
      Tests of poliuretane foams with negative poisson’s ratio ; 8th International Workshop on Auxetics and Related Systems AUXETICS’11, Szczecin 2011
    24. Graczykowski C., Sekuła K., Holnicki-Szulc J
      Real-time identification of impact load parameters; 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, Saarbrucken, 2011
    25. Zieliński T.G.
      Finite-element modelling of fully-coupled active systems involving poroelasticity, piezoelectricity, elasticity, and acoustics; CMM-2011 – Computer Methods in Mechanics
    26. Holnicki-Szulc J., Jankowski Ł.
      Smart technologies for structural safety; CMM-2011 – Computer Methods in Mechanics
    27. Orlowska A., Kolakowski P., Holnicki-Szulc J.
      Detection of Delamination in Composites using Embedded Electrical Grid and Thermovision; The 5th edition of European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 29 June - 02 July, 2010, Sorrento, Italy
    28. Suwała G., Jankowski Ł.
      Model-free identification of structural damages; 37th Solid Mechanics Conference (SolMech 2010), 6-10 September2010, Warsaw, Poland,
    29. Bocheński M., Warmiński J., Jarzyna W., Filipek R, Augustyniak M.
      PPF of versus saturation control for a strongly nonlinear beam structure.;
    30. W. Jarzyna, M. Augustyniak, J. Warmiński, M. Bocheński
      Model based Identification of active beam composite structure - application mras algorithm.; 3rd International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamie, September 21-24. 2010. Kharkov. Ukraina
    31. Mitura A., KaąmirT., Warmiński J., Augustyniak M.
      Elimination of vibration of composite ptate with active elements of MFC type.; XVIII French-Polish Seminar of Mechanics, Warsaw, Poland, 31 Mai, 2010.
    32. Suwała G., Jankowski Ł.
      Model-free damage identification of skeletal structures; 5th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2010)
    33. Mróz M. , Jankowski J., Holnicki-Szulc J.
      VDM-based identification of localized, damage induced damping; 5th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2010)
    34. Zieliński T. G.
      Multiphysics Modeling of the Concept of Active Porous Composites with Enhanced Acoustic Absorption; The 3rd EU-China Workshop on Multiphysics Modeling, Simulation, Validation and Optimization, 21st to 23rd September 2009, Brussels, Belgium
    35. Teter A
      Zastosowanie różnych kryteriów do oceny krytycznego obciążenia dynamicznego dla przypadku interakcyjnego wyboczenia słupów wzmocnionych żebrami pośrednimi; XII Sympozjum Stateczności Konstrukcji, Zakopane, Zakopane, 7-11 września 2009
    36. Teter A., Kubiak T
      Ocena krytycznych obciążeń dynamicznych dla cienkościennych słupów z żebrami pośrednimi z wykorzystaniem metody elementów skończonych; XII Sympozjum Stateczności Konstrukcji, Zakopane, 7-11 września 2009
    37. Mikułowski G., Pawłowski P., Graczykowski C., Wiszowaty R., Holnicki-Szulc J.
      On a pneumatic adaptive landing gear system for a small ćrial vehicle; IV Thematic Conference on Smart Materials and Structures, 13-15 lipca 2009, Porto, Potugalia.
    38. Holnicki-Szulc J., Graczykowski C., Mikułowski G., Pawłowski P.
      Adaptive Impact Absorption, the concept, innovative solutions, applications; IV Thematic Conference on Smart Materials and Structures, 13-15 lipca 2009, Porto, Potugalia
    39. Suwała G., Jankowski Ł.
      Model-free identification of added mass; 8th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 1-5 June 2009, Lizbona, Portugalia
    40. Mróz M., Jankowski Ł., Holnicki-Szulc J.
      A VDM-based method for fast reanalysis and identification of structural damping ; 8th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization June 1-5, 2009, Lisbon, Portugal
    41. Samborski S., Sadowski T.
      Badanie statycznej i dynamicznej odporności na kruche pękanie tworzyw ceramicznych o zróżnicowanej porowatości; V Międzynarodowe Sympozjum Mechaniki Zniszczenia Materiałów i Konstrukcji Augustów, 3-6 czerwca 2009
    42. Zieliński T. G.
      Multiphysics Modeling and Experimental Validation of the Active Reduction of Structure-Borne Noise; The 2nd EU-China Workshop on Multiphysics Modeling, Simulation, Validationand Optimization, 30th March to 2nd April 2009, Harbin, China
    43. Nowak Ł., Zieliński T.G.
      Active Vibroacoustic Control of Beams and Plates with General Boundary Conditions; SOLMECH 2012
    44. Graczykowski C., Holnicki-Szulc J.
      Adaptive Inflatable Structures - modelling, control and applications; 37th Solid Mechanics Conference, Warszawa, 2010
    45. Wiszowaty R., Biczyk J., Graczykowski C., Mikułowski G.
      Method of impact energy dissipation by the use of the pneumatic impact absorber with a piezo-valve; The 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, Saarbrucken, 2011
    46. Graczykowski C., Mikułowski G., Holnicki-Szulc J.
      Adaptive impact absorption - a benchmark and an example absorber; 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, Saarbrucken, 2011
    47. Suwała G., Jankowski Ł.
      A benchmark for identification of structural modifications and inelastic impacts: the structure, test data and an example solution; 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conf. on Smart Structures and Materials (SMART 2011), 6-8 July 2011, Saarbrücken, Germany
    48. Hou J., Jankowski Ł., Ou J.
      Local damage identification in frequency domain based on substructure isolation method; 6th Int. Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology (ANCRiSST2011), 25-26 July 2011, Dalian, China
    49. Suwała G., Jankowski Ł.
      Experimental study of a model-free method for identification of stiffness-related; EWSHM 2012
    50. Mikułowski G., Wiszowaty R., Holnicki-Szulc J.
      Piezoelectric Actuation of a Pneumatic Adaptive Shock Absorber; SOLMECH 2012
    51. Graczykowski C., Holnicki-Szulc J.
      Adaptive Pneumatic Fenders for Extreme Off-shore Docking Operations; EACS 2012
    52. Mikułowski G., Wiszowaty R.
      An Adaptive Pneumatic Shock-Absorber with a Piezo-valve under Harmonic Loading; EACS 2012
    53. Orłowska A.; Biczyk J., Kołakowski P.
      Using embedded electrical grid for active thermography diagnostics of composite structures ; EWSHM 2012
    54. Holnicki-Szulc J., Graczykowski C., Grzędziński J., Mikułowski G., Mróz A., Pawłowski P., Wiszowaty R.
      Adaptive Impact Absorption - The Concept, Simulations and Potential Applications; 4th International Conference on Protection of Structures against Hazards, 15-16 November 2012, Singapore
    55. Flaszynski P., Doerffer P., Mikułowski G., Holnicki-Szulc J.
      Numerical Simulations for Transonic Flow in Control Valve ; 11th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational ćrothermodynamics of Internal Flows
    56. Hou J., Jankowski Ł., Ou J.
      The Substructure Isolation Method for Local Analysis at the Substructural Level; 6th ECCOMAS Conference on Smart Structures and Materials - SMART13, Politecnico di Torino, 24-26 June 2013
    57. Świercz A., Holnicki_Szulc J., Kołakowski P.
      Impact Loads for Structural Damage Identification; The Sixth World conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (6WCSCM), July, 15-17,2014, Barcelona, Spain
    58. Suwała G., Jankowski Ł.
      Nonparametric Identification of Added Masses in Frequency Domain; Sixth World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, July 15-17, 2014, Barcelona (Spain)
    59. Zhang Q., Jankowski Ł., Duan Z.
      Structural damage identification using random response based on Virtual Distortion Method; Sixth World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, July 15-17, 2014, Barcelona (Spain)
    60. Hou J., Jankowski Ł., Ou J.
      Construction of Virtual Structure for Damage Identification; Sixth World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, July 15-17, 2014, Barcelona (Spain)
    61. Mikułowski G., Wiszowaty R., Holnicki-Szulc J.
      Analysis and thermodynamic modeling of a pneumatic adaptive absorber; Sixth World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, July 15-17, 2014, Barcelona (Spain)
    62. Mróz M. , Holnicki-Szulc J. Biczyk J.
      Prestress Accumulation - Release for Damping of Impact-Borne Vibrations. Numerical Analysis of Simple Frame Structures; The Sixth World conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (6WCSCM), July, 15-17,2014, Barcelona, Spain
    63. Jankowski Ł., Holnicki-Szulc, Mróz A.
      A New Strategy for Adaptive Impact Absorption (AIA); 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials - SMART15, Ponta Delgada, S. Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal, 3-6 June 2015
    64. Mróz M. , Holnicki-Szulc J.
      Mechanical Energy Management for Semi-Active Damping of Impact Borne Vibrations; 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials - SMART15, Ponta Delgada, S. Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal, 3-6 June 2015
    65. Faraj R., Holnicki-Szulc J.
      Adaptive Inertial Szock-Absorber for Vibration Damping ; International Conference on Engineering Vibration, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 7-10 September 2015
    66. Flaszynski P., Doerffer P., Mikułowski G., Holnicki-Szulc J.
      Transonic Flow in Valve for Pneumatic Adaptive Shock Absorber; 10th AIRTEC 2015 Internationa Congress
    67. Suwała G. Jankowski Ł.
      Model-Free Monitoring of Structures; ECCOMAS International Conference IPM 2013 on Inverse, Problems in Mechanics of Structure and Materials
    68. Holnicki-Szulc J., Jankowski Ł.
      VDM in Inverse Problems of Safety Engineering; ECCOMAS International Conference IPM 2013 on Inverse Problems in Mechanics of Structure and Materials

  • Projekt współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego

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